Monday, April 29, 2019

4 Safety Resources to Know at Your University

Breaking Bad, Fight Club, Planet of the Apes… Chemists are labeled as people who do dangerous things in the movies.

In reality, Ph.D. life in chemistry is no joke, either. From dangerous chemical reactions to difficult graduate school projects and research, you have to be careful. Like all difficulties in your life, you may not 100% avoid them, but you can get prepared before you face difficulties. I’ve compiled a list of things you should know for your safety. Save it in your phone so you can reference it as often as needed.

4  safety resources to know at your university
  • Campus infirmary and first aid kit box
If you are an experimental chemist, you really should know where the first aid kit boxes are. 

  • Emergency contact number
Usually, the university has a number to make a call for fire incidents, when you got hurt, etc.  At Brown University,  401-863-4111 (4111 from any campus phone) is the number.  Save it in your cell phone.

  • Campus counseling

Mental exhaustion is a real problem at a graduate course. As you challenge things you’ve never done before, it can take a toll on your mental health. Managing your mental health is as important as your physical health.

  • Lab concerns
You don’t have to let someone else solve your problems, but you don’t have to wade through the confusion by yourself, either. There are people willing and available to help give you perspective and advise.
At Brown Univ Chemistry Department, DIAC addresses issues of inclusion, diversity, and community

Good luck on your safe Ph.D. life!