Thursday, July 18, 2019

Two Solutions to Make Glass Super Clean

My hair is crazily curly, and the amount is a lot, so my poor sink drain gets stuck periodically. I buy drain cleaner on Amazon, which is acid that melts the hair.

In nanocrystal research, the synthesized products often stick to the inside wall of a flask. It is usually difficult to clean up just by rinsing or brushing. In that case, the acid would be the right solution (double meaning!!! Hola!).

Here, I introduce two acid solutions that are useful to glass washing: aqua regia and piranha solution. Both are extremely dangerous, and you need to consult with the environment, health, and safety (EHS) division of your school on how to deal with it and how to dispose of it.

Aqua regia: To dissolve metal nanocrystals, especially gold. If physical
How to make: Mix nitric acid and hydrochloric acid at a ratio of 1:3
(Further good reading in here.  Check this out)

Piranha solution: Clean up the organic molecules on the glass; after applying piranha solution, your glass should have a clean and hydrophilic surface
How to make: Mix of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide

Hotdogs in a piranha solution. You see how strong and dangerous it is.  Be super careful.

Good luck with super cleaning with acid!