Friday, May 17, 2019

How to be Good at Juggling Instruments

Imagine you have to speak 10 different languages in your team. You would probably be confused. However, in research, it is sometimes required… With the highest possible standard!  If you are doing nanocrystal research, in addition to nanocrystal synthesis and figure design, you will probably want to learn:

TEM, SEM, Absorption, Fluorescent and the lifetime, XRD, SAXS, Glovebox, IR, NMR... etc etc

It is straight up juggling.  You can learn them one by one, but you do not want to forget what you learned as you move onto the next one.  I highly recommend making a personal SOP note for each instrument. The organization is the key to avoid wasting time, and you don’t want to have to relearn any of the methods or “languages” of research.

5 steps to organizing your measurement notes
My SOP folder.  Each folder contains my note and some pdf or ppt files that I found online

Step 1. Make an operation manuals folder.
Step 2. For example, make a “TEM” subfolder.
Step 3. Using Microsoft Word or Apple Pages, make a note of your own SOP.
Step 4. Save additional information online in your folder and subfolders. (pdf and videos are great. There is literally a great amount of excellent information online.)
Step 5. Write down what you don’t understand at this point or what you can improve in the measurement next time in your SOP note.  
please, don't say something like this when you mess up your lab instruments, please

Good luck keeping tabs!